Design laws
Design laws – basics of design Here are some of the most basic design laws for aesthetic image design. These rules are also used to analyze and describe images (image analysis). Figure-ground differentiation (figure-ground relationship) The depicted image should…
Unicorns and centaurs
Drawing unicorns and centaurs Unicorns and centaurs, like the winged horse Pegasus, belong to creatures of Greek mythology, that is, to the realm of antiquity. They are all very proud and graceful creatures full of elegance. Over the centuries, however,…
Feet & Shoes
Learn to draw feet and shoes This article is about learning to draw feet and shoes. Find here some sample pictures and step by step instructions. Drawing feet Even feet have their proportions. For example, the inner ankle is…
Water and fire
Elements – Water and Fire Drawing water and fire is one of the more difficult subjects to choose. Both are very changeable, unpredictable and always change their form. In addition, there are the different aggregate states that water can take….
Draw and paint landscapes In this article, I explain the basics of how to draw landscapes and paint nature scenes. The key elements are the principles of spatial drawing, as well as the different perspectives and horizontal lines. Knowledge of…
(German) Art Law
German Art Law Here you will find the basic information about art law, i.e. copyright, right to one’s own image and what you have to consider as an artist, especially if you put your images on the Internet or look…
Tips & Tricks
Drawing tips and tricks With the tips and tricks on this page you will definitely get further in drawing and painting again. Sometimes certain techniques facilitate learning immensely. Try it out! 😉 Miscellaneous drawing tips Utilizing Inspirations – Catalogs,…
Spatial drawing
Spatial drawing Räumliches Zeichnen ist die Grundlage für eine dreidimensionale Wirkung innerhalb eines Bildes. Wer nicht einen flachen Eindruck vermitteln möchte, sondern von Tiefe und Weite, findet hier die wesentlichen Mittel und Merkmale, wie ihm das gelingen kann. 😉 …
Learn to draw manga This page is about the basics of learning to draw manga. How to draw manga images? Here’s a little tutorial on learning to draw or paint manga. To draw manga or anime you should already…
Gnomes and dwarfs
Gnomes and Dwarves On this page, you will find drawing tutorials and step-by-step instructions to learn how to draw various types of gnomes and dwarves. Gnomes or dwarves can be depicted in various ways. Either in the cute and innocent…
Books about learning to draw & paint
Books on Drawing and Painting Learning On this page, I present books on drawing and painting learning that I also have at home and can therefore recommend as book recommendations because I actually know these books. 😉 Drawing and…
Graphics tablet
Draw and paint with the graphics tablet A graphics tablet makes it easy to transfer hand movements and strokes drawn on it with a special pen to the PC. It is therefore one of the basic tools for digital painting….