Learning to draw 🎨

✏️ Tips and tricks for beginners and returners

Aquatic animals

The articles in this subcategory are about various aquatic animals, as well as other animals living in and around water.

Nautilus malen mit Aquarellbuntstift
Painting a Nautilus with Watercolor Pencils – View Drawing Tutorial

It includes, among others, the following groups of animals:

  • Mollusks, shells & snails
  • Fishes & sharks
  • Dolphins & whales
  • Jellyfish & others

These can be animals that live at and in the sea, as well as those that live in or near the river or lakes.

Drawing underwater animals

Whether in the water or on the beach, here I have some aquatic animals that add variety to both underwater pictures and beach pictures. Whether it’s crabs, shells, snails or starfish, all of these animals can make an appearance outside of the water and be very decorative as an accessory or a wonderful main subject.

Especially shells and snail shells are very versatile in shape and color and ideal for beach pictures.

Lovingly colored, these animals are of course also beautiful main motifs to decorate their own image. Here offer all art materials that you can imagine.

More Pages

From the German Blog

In my blog, you will find many more tutorials and step-by-step creation stories of many other animals. In addition to the Animal ABC (where each letter in the alphabet represents an animal), I have also listed the other instructions for you:

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Fish and sharks

Fish and sharks This page is about fish and sharks of all kinds. Fish come in all different sizes, shapes and colors depending on their habitat (freshwater or saltwater, water temperature and so on). Visually, there are also differences between…

Marine animals

Various marine animals On this page you will find sample tutorials in step by step instructions to be able to draw jellyfish and other sea creatures.   How to draw Nautilus The nautilus is also called pearl boat and belongs,…

Dolphins and whales

Marine mammals: drawing dolphins and whales This page is about drawing marine mammals like whales and dolphins. These are characterized by the fact that they breathe air and give birth to live young and that although they spend their whole…

Crabs, mussels & snails

Crabs, mussels & snails On this page you will find some step by step instructions and sample pictures to learn how to draw crabs, mussels & snails. The following animals have in common that they have an exoskeleton (i.e. a…
